Our plant is equipped with a fully updated laboratory, ensuring strict quality control at every stage from incoming raw material to the finished product. The foundry can undertake the manufacturing of various material grades:
- Ductile Iron Material Grades: SG 350/22, 420/5, 500/7, 550/6, 400/15, 450/12, 400/10, 400/18, 400/18L, 600/3, 600/10, 700/2.
- Gray Iron Casting Material Grades: FG-150, FG-200, FG-220, FG-225, FG-250, FG-260, FG-300, FG-350, FCD 250.
Laboratory Capabilities:
A. Raw Material Inspection:
- Inspection, checking, and collection of all types of incoming raw materials related to the industry.
B. Spectroscopic and Chemical Analysis:
- Spectroscopic Analysis: Using ARL 3460 optical emission spectrometers (2 nos.) for both bath and final metal sample. Includes sample polishing machines (2 nos.).
- Chemical/Wet Analysis: Equipment includes a Digital Muffle Furnace, Strohlein Apparatus, Digital Balance, Digital Hot Air Oven, Hot Plate, Double Distillation Plant, Digital pH Meter, Digital Conductivity Meter and TDS Meter, Barometer, Clay Washer, Sieve Shaker, Radioactivity Checker (Micro R Survey Meter), Glass Thermometer, Viscosity Cup, Digital Stop Watch, Platinum Crucible, and various inorganic and organic chemicals, glass apparatus, and titration, digestion, fusion equipment.
C. Mechanical Testing:
- Universal Testing: Electronic Universal Testing Machines with capacities of 600 KN and 100 KN.
- Hardness Testing: Optical Brinell Hardness Testing Machines (2 nos.) with a range of 0-3000.
- Impact Testing: Utilizing an Impact Testing Machine (Pendulum Type), Automatic Broaching Machine, Frizer, and Profile Projector.
- Extensometers: Proof testing of metal bar using Electronic/Mechanical Extensometers.
D. Metallographic Analysis:
- Analysis of final ductile iron sample and finished product samples of ductile and gray iron using a Microscope with Image Analyser Leica DMi8 A (1 no.), Leica DMILM HC (1 no.), and a Hot Press Mounting Machine.
Sand Analysis for Moulding Process:
- Analysis of Green Moulding Sand, Chemical Bonded Sand – NO BAKE, and Cold Box System Sand using a Sand Rammer, Universal Sand Testing Machine, Permeability Meter, Hot Air Oven, Compactibility Tester, Mould Hardness Tester, Wet Tensile Tester, Flowability/Mouldability Tester, Sieve Analysis, Shatter Index, Digital Moisture Tester, Clay Tester, Core Hardness Tester, Mould Strength Tester, Sand Muller, Core Gas Determination, and Friability Tester.
This comprehensive suite of laboratory capabilities ensures the highest quality standards for our Ductile Iron and Grey Iron casting products, from raw material inspection to the final product, supporting a wide range of industry needs.